Most Bass Players were never taught how to get the most out of their instrument and now feel stuck because of the gaps in their knowledge. Are you ready for something different? I created a self-paced online video course to show you how to break through your barriers, help you find your own voice, and guide you to musical Confidence, Freedom and Creativity.
Most Bass Players were never taught how to get the most out of their instrument and now feel stuck because of the gaps in their knowledge. Are you ready for something different? I created a self-paced online video course to show you how to break through your barriers, help you find your own voice, and guide you to musical Confidence, Freedom and Creativity.
What's Included?
Video Lessons
The main driving force behind Bass 360 Method is the short and easy-to-digest Video Lessons. But these videos are not like the seemingly random results that you found on your last YouTube search…
Bass 360 Method is powered by a world-class educational framework called Cyclical Pedagogy®. I know that sounds really fancy, but you don’t need to worry about it at all. It’s quietly at work in the background, while I connect the dots for you from lesson to lesson. All you have to do is watch, learn and be thrilled as your playing begins to soar!
Practice Segments
Binge watching a bunch of Bass 360 Method video lessons would be a fun way to spend a weekend… But no matter how much “entertainment value” I bring to your life, you can only grow as a Bassist, if you apply what you’ve learned!
Practice Segments to the rescue! The course is organized into Weeks (although you may take as long as you wish, to complete a “week”) and every Week includes some form of Practice. This way we continually apply what we’re learning, so that it can become a part of your “musical fabric”.
Ear Training
A whole lot of making music comes down to muscle coordination. But your most important “musical muscles” are your ears. (I know, I know: the ear is not a muscle…)
Once we learn any new musical concept, we will immediately train our minds, to recognize melodies and harmonies by ear. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down to bite-sized steps, so it won’t be scary at all!
You will be so proud of yourself, because – probably for the first time – Music Theory will make perfect sense. We will also make it SUPER practical, so it’s not just a bunch of useless head-knowledge, but things that you will actually use in every rehearsal and studio session.
Everything that we’ll be learning will be brought to life with on-screen animations, so all of the connections between melodies and harmonies will be really easy to visualize. But for those of you who need to digest things a little more on your own, we also include Downloadables of all key concepts. Yeah, we’re nice like that…
Playing in a Band
One of the coolest aspects of Bass 360 Method is that it’s not a “bedroom bass hero” course. I will prepare you for real-world musical situations! A big part of this is learning how to play with other musicians.
For example: We’ll learn to understand how our rhythms relate to the Drummer, how our fills relate to the Singer and how our Bass Lines relate to the Keys & the Guitar Players.
The point is this: Even a talented musician can sound awful in a band, when they’re “playing more than they’re listening”… But even a beginner can sound stellar, when they understand their role and are aware of their interaction with the other instruments on stage. I’ll be working on this with you at every stage of your development!
List of Lessons
The list below is an abbreviated overview of the content covered in each week. There are additional Practice, Ear Training and Quiz blocks, applying the material learned.
(Total Running Time: 6 hrs & 39 min)
- Basic Technique, Navigation & Theory
- The Names of the Strings & Understanding Half Steps
- Right Hand Technique Basics (Plucking)
- Left Hand Technique Basics (Fretting)
- The 4-finger Warm-up Exercise
- Why do we need Music Theory?
- The Musical ABCs (System #1) & Whole/Half Steps
- Navigating the Neck (Shortcuts)
- How to Tune Your Bass
- Instrument Setup & Control Basics
- Simple Rhythms & Playing in the Pocket
- Understanding Basic Rhythms (1/4 & 1/8 Notes in a 4/4 Measure)
- How to Read a Simple Chord Chart
- 1-8 (Octave) Patterns to Add Variety
- 1-5 and 1-5-8 Patterns
- Locking In with Your Drummer
- Learning Our First Scale
- Sharps & Flats: The “In-between” Notes
- Solfege & The Major Scale
- The Major Scale on the Bass
- Muting for a Clean Sound
- Hearing Notes in the Major Scale
- Varying Note Length & Articulation (Expressive Playing)
- Introduction to Intervals & Triads (Chords)
- Intervals
- b2 to 3 on same and next strings
- Major & Minor Triads
- Major & Minor Triad Exercises
- Triad Exercise Applied to a Chord Progression
- Seeing Intervals & Triads on the Neck
- Extending Our Melodic Range and Options
- The Minor Scale & the Concept of Relative Minor
- Hearing Notes in the Minor Scale
- The Minor Pentatonic Scale
- Connecting the Major and Minor Scales
- Concepts for Improvisation
- What Key are These Scales in?
- How Chords Fit Together in Any Key
- Breaking Down Major & Minor 3rds to “Steps”
- Building chords from Do through La
- What’s the problem with Ti?
- Hearing the Difference Between Major & Minor Chords
- Chords in the Key of G
- The Musical Number System
- The Number System in the Key of G
- Dynamics, Textures & More Rhythmic Options
- Understanding 16th Notes
- Playing to 16th Note-based Drum Grooves
- The Bass Player’s Toolbag #1 – Dynamics & Register
- The Bass Player’s Toolbag #2 – Double Stops & Playing with your Thumb
- The Bass Player’s Toolbag #3 – Palm-muting & Playing with a Pick
- The Bass Player’s Toolbag #4 – Controls, Swells, Plucking Position & Slap Bass Preview
- 16th-note-based Drum Grooves
- 16th-note-based Scalar Exercise
- Arpeggio Exercise: 16th Notes & the Number System
- Further Expanding Our Melodic Range
- Dorian Scale
- Connecting Minor-Major-Dorian
- 134 & 124 Diagonal Connections
- Phrygian Scale
- Connect Minor-Major-Dorian-Phrygian
- Introduction to Pedal Points (Open String Example)
- The Monster Scale Exercise
- Different Meters & Developing Technique
- Understanding Time Signatures (Meters)
- Playing in a 3/4 Meter
- Playing in a 6/8 Meter
- Chop Shop: Build Your Technique (Part 1 – Single String)
- Chop Shop: Build Your Technique (Part 2 – String Crossing)
- Chop Shop: Build Your Technique (Part 3 – String Skipping)
- What Meter is this Drum Groove in?
- Playing in Any Key / Transposing
- The Concept of Transposing / Key Change
- Key Changes & Creative Choices
- Modified Chords in the Number System
- Dealing with “Weird Keys”
- Understanding Triplets
- Triplet-based Scalar Exercise
- Triplet-based Arpeggio Exercise
- Swing Feel / Shuffle
- A Deeper Pocket (Part 1): Ghost Notes & Chromaticism
- A Deeper Pocket (Part 2): Percussive Slaps
- 12-Bar Blues with a Swing Feel
- Deep Practice of Harmonies
- Scale Notes Surrounding Triads
- Changing Keys using the V of the New Key
- Breaking Down a More Complex Arrangement
- Deep Practice – Scales / Melodies
- Improvising with Our 4 Scales
- Visualizing the Whole Neck
- Seeing the Chord Inside the Scale (Harmonic Intelligence)
- Full Range Improvisation
(Total Running Time: 8 hrs & 25 min)
- Dissecting the Audition Song
- Audition Song – The Intro / Interlude / The Outro
- Audition Song – Verses
- Audition Song – Choruses
- Simple Charts & Musical Note-taking
- Understanding “7 Chords”
- The Minor 7 and Major 7 Intervals
- The Minor 7 Chord
- The Major 7 Chord
- The Dominant 7 Chord
- The Half-Diminished Chord
- Chord Symbols for “7 Chords”
- Ear Training: Hearing “7 Intervals” and “7 Chords”
- “7 Chords” in the Number System
- “7 Chords” in the Key of G & Key of C
- “7 Chords” as Tension Notes
- Registers, Shifting & Emotion
- Finishing out the Modes (Diatonic Scales)
- The Lydian Scale
- The Mixolydian Scale
- Connecting Phrygian – Lydian – Mixolydian – Minor
- The Locrian Scale
- Connecting all 7 Modes
- Creativity with Scale Patterns
- Scale Pattern 1-3
- Musical Application of Different Patterns
- Adding New Tension to Our Chords
- Hovering Around the 3rd (2nd & 4th Intervals)
- Understanding sus2 & sus4 Chords
- Double Stops & Bass Lines with sus2 and sus4
- sus2 and sus4 in the Number System
- The add9 Chord
- How to Hear sus2, sus4 and add9 Chords
- A Fun “sus” Groove Idea
- Refining our Technique, Dynamics & Note Choices
- Economy of Motion
- Bass Lines Using Chord Inversions
- A Deeper Dive Into Dynamics
- It’s SLAP Week!
- The Fundamental Thumb Technique (Slap)
- The Fundamental Finger Technique (Pop)
- Slap Patterns 1-5
- Visualizing the Minor and Major 6 Intervals
- Complementary Intervals
- The Major 6 & Minor 6 Chords
- Ear Training: Hearing Minor and Major 6 Intervals & Chords
- “6 Chords” in the Number System
- A Verse-Chorus Idea with 6s
- Pentatonics & Tasteful Fills
- Reviewing the Minor Pentatonic Scale
- The 2 Neighbors: Mixolydian & Major Pentatonic
- Connecting Mixolydian, Minor & Major Pentatonic
- Dorian & Phrygian Pentatonic
- Connecting all 5 Pentatonic Scales
- Pentatonics as Chord Substitutions
- Creative Bass Lines Using Pentatonics
- The Rhythm Notation Bootcamp
- Basic Rhythmic Notation
- Dotted Rhythms and Ties
- Triplets
- 3-against-4 Pentatonic Patterns
- Playing Extended Range Basses
- Playing Fretless Basses
- Creativity with a Sustained Pedal Tone
- A Fun Scale Pattern & Arpeggio Combo
- Let’s Put It All Together In A Song!
- Verses
- Choruses
- Bridge
- The Rest of the Song
(Click the tabs for more details)
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6+ hours of video footage
112 short episodes
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Lays a solid musical foundation
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All from Semester 1 plus:
Semester 2 Bundle Pricing
8 more hours of video
228 total episodes
Play with variety, color and musicality
Sound more Pro and more polished!
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But don't just take my word for it...
Confidence is about leaning back into your preparation. I’ll show you how to put in the right kind of work.
Freedom comes from Truth – a deeper understanding. I’ll teach you how to break through your limitations.
Creativity is not the privilege of musical geniuses! I’ll guide you on the path to Creative Freedom.