You just found your Worship Team training solution!

Our Music Training Pipeline will take the burden of teaching each volunteer off of your shoulders, while keeping you engaged in their mentorship.

We train thousands of musicians and singers across multiple denominations. Here are just a few of the churches whom we serve:

A Music Training Pipeline


The skills they need

We teach your entire team the craft of music - not just tricks and licks. This will enable you to create moments of flow in worship.


With over 1,400 episodes of self-paced video content for musicians and singers, your team will not run out of skills to learn.


Our progress tracker, combined with our social toolkit, will empower you to mentor your volunteers in ways never before possible!

Your entire team will have unlimited access to all of these courses:








But don't just take our word for it...


You may be

Perfect! That’s exactly why we created Music 360 Method. We remove the time burden of training individuals on your team, while still keeping you engaged in their mentorship. We bring our expertise; you bring your pastor’s heart!

(A realistic time commitment of mentoring your entire team through the built-in social tools in our platform is about 15 minutes per week.)

We understand completely! Many churches are going through a difficult financial season right now. That’s why we price our packages to be super affordable (between $4 – $10 per user per month).

Some churches have come up with creative ways to not only recoup their investment, but actually turn Music 360 Method into a fundraising tool! (Need a new Nord? Subscribe to Music 360 Method! 🤣) I’ll share more about these examples after you’ve registered for the Webinar…

That’s a noble thought… 😎 The common roadblocks that churches face in accomplishing this are: 1. Music training expertise, but especially: 2. Time! A great musician is not necessarily a great teacher. Even if they are, where on earth will they find time to personally teach multiple musicians on a consistent basis? And do so on every instrument…

Our platform will not take away from the value of your team being involved in mentoring up-and-comers. Conversely, they’ll be empowered to do so in a consistent and realistic manner, but without the usual time burden involved.

Good for you! BUT… The value that we create in your church is not only about the front-facing presentation of your worship ministry, but more importantly about the mentorship that happens behind the scenes. You can think of us as a discipleship program disguised as music training…

If you’re a large church with a hot band of all Pros, that’s great! But without a Music Training Pipeline, you are missing out on the most powerful aspect of harnessing music as a point of connection and discipleship in your congregation and in your local community.

A song tutorial will show your guitar player (for example), where to put their fingers on the neck. Without understanding their instrument – and music itself – they will crash & burn as soon as you ask them to do anything different than what the tutorial showed them.

That’s why we teach the craft of music, which in turn helps them learn songs (even through song tutorials!) much more efficiently, but also gives them the ability to create in the moment and to flow in worship!

It actually will, and here’s why: Your beginners will start at the absolute basics and walk through short, 5-minute videos of easy, but systematic content.

Your more experienced musicians usually have a different problem. Most, who already sound good on their instruments, still have blind spots – primarily due to how they were taught… We connect the dots in a fresh way for all skill levels! As a result, our biggest raving fans are musicians who have been playing for 20+ years, yet still gain a fresh perspective through our content.

And as your experienced musicians and singers master our approach, they will become amazing local mentors for your up-and-comers – all without the huge time commitment of teaching one-on-one.

Let's stay in touch!

So, you're excited about Music 360 Method, but have more questions? Message Krisz here:


Confidence is about leaning back into your preparation. We’ll train your Team on how to put in the right kind of work.


Freedom comes from Truth – a deeper understanding. We’ll teach your Team how to break through their limitations.


Creativity is not just the privilege of musical geniuses! We’ll guide your entire Team on the path to Creative Freedom.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself, before we redirect you to the Video Demo:

(We'll never share your info with anyone!)

Video Demo Form
M360M - Let's stay in touch!

Questions? Ask away!

I Cannot wait to hear from you...